Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The baby eats the brain (and parentheticals)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Internal Joy: A List
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Biker Bars & Country Music
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Ready? Okay!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Excuse me while my eye twitches out of control...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Fo shizzle we potty train & love Miley
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Bless her heart.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
70 degrees and under a blizzard advisory,,,only in OK
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The first step is admitting you have a problem...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Blog Etiquette (Or lack thereof?)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Poop. Yeah I said poop.
Awkward segue...
I looked pretty hot today. And by hot I mean a hot mess. At 7:15 am in my bathroom at home my hair, make up and clothes looked good. But by 8:30 am when I walked into the office - after diapering, dressing, car seat buckling and unbuckling, walking in the wind, getting my Sbux etc I looked rough. So I get to my desk, set up my laptop, my purse, my coffee and take off my coat (an aside: Dear Weather: It is spring break please stop being a jackass and give me weather above 40 degrees...I digress...) Anyway, a girl I know by face but not name walked up and informed me my blouse was no longer tucked into my skirt and my belt had rode up and my skirt down and I had 4 inches of skin and panty hose showing. Awesome. Then at lunch I ate a sandwich with onions and smelled like onion all day. Double Awesome.
Another segue...
So, I am still new to this blog thing and I am going to attempt to post a link and a picture. Bear with me y'all.

And to prove this is real:
The Goliath Bird Eating Trantula. Make you want to puke, no?
Okay, here is a happier picture. My kids!
This is from our Christmas blizzard, so it's a bit dated. I have taken tons more since then except there are zero good ones - kids looking every which way but at the camera and instead of smiles it's a lot of open mouths.
Have a good eveing!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Don't Call It Brenner
So Syd (my daughter dearest) has been at odds with me today. It is become very apparent that unless something changes we will have one of those mother daughter relationships wherein I try to gentle tell her the right thing (by gently tell, I mean force) and she rebels and screams and cries until I give in and she gets to be bad. While today it is over what flavor of cereal she gets or who turns the lights off on the way out of the house (OMG 30 min of non stop two year old terror screams and wails over not being the one to flip the damn switch). This power struggle pattern will culminate in approximately 16 years when we find ourselves on A & E Intervention. Okay, I believe in self fulfilling prophecies so I better not say that. But for real y'all - my daughter is one stubborn mule who knows how to break her mama.
So, I read plenty of blogs that share only the ooey goeey happy sunny everything is rainbows and sunshine side about motherhood. And those blogs are shit. Don't hate me, I speak the truth. It is not that those things aren't true. Motherhood rocks. I love it. Wouldn't trade my kids for anything less than thirty minutes in a spa bath with an amaretto sour and a In Touch tabloid. Just kidding. Wouldn't trade them for anything. Not even world peace. Y'all can keep on fighting, my kids are MINE. Now, on the flip side I read a lot of "bad mommy" blogs. These are trendy right now. Mommy's blogging about how crap their lives as SAHMs are, their crappy husbands, their badass kids and woe is me attitude. This is also a bunch of shit. Kids are totally rainbows and butterflies… that is when they’re not goliath bird eating tarantulas. (That is a real thing - goliath bird eating tarantula. Google it. Have nightmares. Thank me later. Gonna visit one next week when we hit up the new Children’s Zoo exhibit at the OKC ZOO.)
Anyway, the point is I want my blog to be in the middle. Or maybe 70% rainbows and 30% goliath bird eating tarantula. Keep me in check if I lean too far one way or the other.
Plus I am a wife and an citizen and an employee and a gal obsessed with: shoes, coffee, celeb goosip, Days of Our Lives (DOOL hereinafter), loads of tv, books, make up and clothes. So, every now and again I'm taking off my mom hat and just being a girl.
Thanks y'all.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Getting Started
Well, here goes nothing.
I'm starting my own blog.
I read a lot of blogs. No, a lot.
So, the hubs finally said, stop talking to me and start talking to the Internets. (I'm a paraphrasing.)
So, here I am Internets!!!!!!!
Love me, please.
I like reading blogs about: mommyhood, marriage, food/recipes/restaurant reviews, beauty/fashion (though I am neither beautiful nor fashionable), tv, books and celeb gossip.
So, I'm gonna write about all the things I love.
Just bear with me though. I know not about things like java or html or rss or any other technological thingys.
And I don't have a great camera, so my pics might be good. If I can even upload (download???) a pic. But I'll try. Mostly I can facebook and read Perez Hilton. That's my internet savvy.
For real, I'm a Gen Y-er. And I don't know this crap.
Bear with me as I develop my writing style. I'm going to *attempt* to be smart and sassy and snarky and sarcastic (at times) and relevant and irreverent and brutally honest and.... well, and me.
So...here is the requisite introduction and "about me:"
Married (met, married and procreated w/ my hubby in under a year! When you know, you know. For real-z y'all.)
Mom of the two best kids: Owen Max, age 3 1/2 and Sydney Claire, age 2. Also known as: Captain Destruct-o and Miz-Chivas. (when they're good their angels and when their bad their... well quite destructive as witnessed by my walls now covered in crayola.)
Half-decent cook. Better call ahead and pick up to go.
Lover of NPR. When I do listen to music it is country or pop/rap/hip hop. (I'm a hard core SUV driving, suburban living, Starbucks drinking thug, y'all. The fact I say "y'all" should hint that I'm not at all hard core.)
Born & raised Oklahoman. Go Pokes! Go Sooners! It's a house divided.
Okay, that's enough for now. Can't wait to met you, all my new Internet stalkers, er, I mean friends!