Sunday, August 15, 2010

Before Meets After

It's been a while, y'all.

I'm pleased to announce we are all healthy once again.

We are also a 90% diaper free household (Syd is 100% and Owen is the 90%.  I know, he is older.  Whatev.)  It's not a myth when someone tells you their kid potty trained themselves.  Syd woke up one morning and decided it was time and it was.

It is *insert curse word* hot.  Like over 100 for 10 days in a row.  Add in the humidity and the heat index and whatnot and its like 110.  The heat is oppressive.  It just bears down on you.  It's icky.

It's been so long I feel like I have a million things to blog about and nothing at all.  Weird.

I suppose I should say - even if I haven't blogged or commented on yours it doesn't mean I'm not reading yours.  I have followed project sleepy time and gallbladder surgeries and moving to your dream neighborhood and whatnot.  I know comments are the life blood of bloggers and I sincerely apologize for not leaving them.  (And for being the creepy anonymous reader!)

Okay, I have a few topics I could discuss:
- my amazingly wonderful near-perfect kiddos (or maybe share some of their imperfections - lol)
- how I'm a total (beauty) product junky and review a few products (primer, foundation, gloss)
- My new Clarisonic!!!!!  (I'm in loooove)
- Or a bit of narcissism (who I am kidding?  A lot of narcissism!)
- Other random blogable moments - y'know the kind that are truly enjoyable to read - every day antidotes that capture a snapshot of humanity at its best/worst.  Like Owen's new "in-bid-able" friend.

Well, folks... what's it gonna be?

Well what is the easiest thing that I can readily write about? 

Narcissism.  Sort of.

Recently a gal at work was like "so it's nice that you have pictures of your husband with another woman on your desk."  It's true: when the hubs I first met I had long plain dark hair (that I always wore in a pony), had glasses, never wore any make up and dressed sloppy.  Somehow he still fell in love with me.  Now my hair is short, lighter, I wear contacts & make up and sometimes actually iron my clothes.  Here is pic from approx 3 years ago, so I think I had evolved to mascara and lip gloss...

Pic taken this week... it's sorta grainy, excuse the pic from the camera...also note I know have two adorable rugrats attached to me:


So, that's my attempt at get myself back into blogging.  Maybe I won't be so lame next time.  Missed y'all.


Unknown said...

I hear ya on the heat! This weather is oppressive, to say the least. I'm sure you have noticed that you aren't the only one who's let your blogging fall to the wayside this summer, so don't sweat it. I'm just glad to see that you've come back!

The transformation between your before and after is truly remarkable! While you were a very pretty girl before, you look just fabulous now. Motherhood agrees with you. :)

Amy xxoo said...

Your " before " sounds exactly like me now! Not kidding - long, plain dark hair in a pony because thats the easiest mummy hairstyle, i've worn glasses since i was 6yrs old, no time for makeup in the morning, and its usually jeans and a t-shirt for me!

Unknown said...

I imagine the changes in appearance only scratch the surface. Much deeper changes have occurred and I like them.

Clarisonic said...

We're so happy to hear that you are in love with your new Clarisonic! If you ever have questions please let us know! We're here to help. Find us on Twitter @Clarisonic or via email We'd love to hear from you. Happy Cleansing!

Stephani said...

Erin, I so appreciate you stopping by to read my blog. I appreciate the comments and your light hearted style of writing. Looking forward to reading more from you. -

Erin said...

TB, thank you so much.

Uncle John, you are probably right.

Stephani, I do enjoy reading about your boys and your life...looking forward to when my kids are older.

Clarisonic...thanks for stopping by... yes, I love you...awkward.